Study Guide ||| WEEK – 17 |||

      Mildred D. Taylor’s historical story of racism and struggle in 1930s Mississippi, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, has been praised for its potential to raise young people’s consciousness about social injustice.

Activity 4.17/ P.175: Creating a realistic historical context
)هذا الاكتفيتي اتى في اختبار المدتيرم فرع الكويت 2012\2013(
How dose Taylor’s realistic style fulfil her pedagogic purposes?
-         Focusing in Tylor's realist techniques
-         Authenticity of place, character and historical period.

      Realism has an important function in relation to Taylor’s pedagogic purposes. She wanted to provide contemporary child readers in 1970s with convincing vicarious experience of 1930s Mississippi, in order to understand the impact of the social injustices experienced by black people. Every realistically presented incident simultaneously builds a picture of children’s lives and is a vehicle for conveying the nature and effects of racism.
      Taylor  uses following techniques to create an identifiable social and historical context:
-         Detailed description of place and weather, activities and events.
-         Poetic language describing place and weather.
-         The naming of specific places, characters and events.
-         Indications of passage of time and of a precise historical time period.
-         Passages of direct speech including phonetic spelling and colloquial grammar
These are all techniques employed to create the illusion of a real world and convey authentic representation of a specific period in history.
      The depiction of warm, intimate family life throws into stark relief the dangers from night riders in dark, wet, muddy world outside that is described later.
      Taylor’s juxtaposition of realistically presented, secure, loving family scenes inside home with accounts of danger and  violence that threaten to destroy them intensifies effects on the reader of each of these contrasting aspects of Cassie’s experience.

Activity 4.18/ P.176:  the struggle against the injustice
) هذا الاكتفيتي اتى في اختبار المدتيرم فرع السعودية 2012\2013





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