E303B - UNIT 12 – Getting interpersonal: the grammar of social roles and relationships

Interpersonal functions of language:
-         form and negotiate relationships
-         act out social roles
-         represent themselves (for example, as powerful or deferential, assertive or conciliatory, emotionally engaged or uninvolved)

[[How language operates interpersonally?]]
How texts drawn from the same register may differ in interpersonal terms

a)   Relative social status (equality/inequality)
-         Social inequality: (communicative participants operating with different levels of power, authority, status or expertise) was reflected in linguistic inequality
-         linguistic inequality: refers to disparities in the things which the various speakers can do with language disparities in the types of words or structures they use, in the types of meanings they create, in the way they address each other, in their control over the direction of the conversation, and so on.  

*** Frame work of analysis spoken text \ interactive text:
1)   Speech acts: (speech function)
-         All utterances involve a choice with respect to interpersonal positioning in formulating any utterance, speakers/writers necessarily position themselves and those they address: (a) who is positioned as the communicative giver and who the communicative receiver, and (b) whether the communicative exchange involves information or some form of action or behaviour.

****Thus the speaker/writer can be positioned in the role of either giver o receiver, and likewise the addressee (either giver or receiver). The communication can put at stake information or what we term good and service  (some form of action or some provision of a service).
Table p.19

-         In this sense, every utterance is fundamentally interpersonal in that it necessarily involves a particular relationship being established between speaker/writer and the addressee, a relationship which varies according to which interlocutor is placed in the role of giver and which in the role of receiver.


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