Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights: abroad

The focus:

***the idea of 'abroad'
***develop the theme of home
*** Nineteenth-, twentieth- and twenty-first-century responses to the novel and reflects on its continuing cultural significance.

Wuthering Heights and the world beyond
***Most early British critical responses to Wuthering Heights criticize its 'coarseness' with praise for its power and originality.

Activity 1
It is not too difficult to see how the contrasting worlds of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange might represent a conflict between northern rural values and the more urban cultures of the south of England. To Lockwood, the north is strikingly 'other', a foreign place. To the inhabitants of the north, London and the south are equally foreign. Heathcliff is foreign, for not only is his appearance foreign and his origin unknown, but he has apparently travelled abroad to make his fortune in the time he spends away from Wuthering Heights.
*****Heathcliff is the most obvious representative of 'abroad' in the context of the local and domestic world of the novel.
·        He enters the domestic scene from another world: from the streets of Liverpool, the imperial trading port where Mr Earnshaw finds him, and from elsewhere before that.
·        Speaking some 'gibberish' foreign tongue, he is 'a gift of God, though it's as dark almost as if it came from the devil,' says Mr Earnshaw; he is a 'gypsy brat', declares his wife (p. 31). He is,, perhaps, 'a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway', concludes old Mr Linton (p. 44). Lockwood describes him as 'a dark-skinned gypsy in aspect' (p. 3).
·         Nelly, meanwhile, adds to the list of possible origins by recommending him to use his otherness to construct a family romance: "You're fit for a prince in disguise. Who knows, but your father was Emperor of China, and your mother an Indian queen?' (p. 50).

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