مجموعة قصائد محتملة EA300A

هذي كانت اجتهاد لا اكثر العام الماضي
راح يجيكم اي قصيدة من كتاب الشعر وتشرحونها

شنو تشرحون موجود في ملخص مقالة الشعر.
وطبعا جتنا وحدة من هالقصائد وهي قصيدة
oh home work في الفاينال



THE MAGIC BOX, by Kit Wright

I will put in the box

the swish of a silk sari on a summer night,
fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,
the tip of a tongue touching a tooth.

I will put in the box

a snowman with a rumbling belly
a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene,
a leaping spark from an electric fish.

I will put into the box

three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,
the last joke of an ancient uncle,
and the first smile of a baby.

I will put into the box

a fifth season and a black sun,
a cowboy on a broomstick
and a witch on a white horse.

My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel,
with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.
Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.

I shall surf in my box

on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic,
then wash ashore on a yellow beach
the colour of the sun.



I'm going to do my homework
As soon as I've had my tea.
I'm going to get on with my homework -
After I've watched TV.

I'll just run around the garden,
And then I'll work really hard,
As soon as I've telephoned Jane,
And sent off that birthday card.

I'm going to get on with my homework,
As soon as the rabbits are fed.
I'm going to get on with my homework,
Before it is time for bed.

What! Bedtime already? It can't be -
To get all those good marks
I planned, I simply must do my homework!
Oh Mummy you don't understand!

Elizabeth Smith



Homework! oh homework
I hate you! You stink!
I wish I could wash you
away in the sink,
if only a bomb
would explode you to bits.
Homework! oh homework!
you’re giving me fits.

I’d rather take baths
with a man-eating shark,
or wrestle a lion
alone in the dark,
eat spinach and liver,
pen ten porcupines,
than tackle the homework
my teacher assigns.

Homework! oh homework!
You’re last on my list
I simply can’t see
why you exist,
if you just disappeared
it would tickle me pink.
Homework! oh homework
I hate you! You stink!

Jack Prelutsky




Jack Frost was in the garden;
I saw him there at dawn;
He was dancing round the bushes
And prancing on the lawn.
He had a cloak of silver,
A hat all shimm'ring white,
A wand of glittering star-dust,
And shoes of sunbeam light.

Jack Frost was in the garden,
When I went out to play
He nipped my toes and fingers
And quickly ran away.
I chased him round the wood-shed,
But, oh! I'm sad to say
That though I chased him everywhere
He simply wouldn't stay.

Jack Frost was in the garden:
But now I'd like to know
Where I can find him hiding;
I've hunted high and low-
I've lost his cloak of silver,
His hat all shimm'ring white,
His wand of glittering star-dust,
His shoes of sunbeam light.

John P. Smeeton


Ian Serraillier

A crumbling churchyard, the sea and the moon;
The waves had gouged out grave and bone;
A man was walking, late and alone. . .

He saw a skeleton on the ground;
A ring on a bony finger he found.

He ran home to his wife and gave her the ring.
“Oh, where did you get it?” He said not a thing.

“It’s the loveliest ring in the world,” she said,
As it glowed on her finger. They slipped off to bed.

At midnight they woke. In the dark outside,
“Give me my ring!” a chill voice cried.

“What was that, William? What did it say?”
“Don’t worry, my dear. It’ll soon go away.”

“I’m coming!” A skeleton opened the door.
“Give me my ring!” It was crossing the floor.

“What was that, William? What did it say?”
“Don’t worry, my dear. It’ll soon go away.”

“I’m reaching you now! I’m climbing the bed.”
The wife pulled the sheet right over her head.

It was torn from her grasp and tossed in the air:
“I’ll drag you out of bed by the hair!”

“What was that, William? What did it say?”
“Throw the ring through the window! THROW IT AWAY!”

She threw it. The skeleton leapt from the sill,
Scooped up the ring and clattered downhill,
Fainter. . . and fainter. . . Then all was still.



Brian’s Picnic

We’ve cheese rolls, chicken rolls,
Beef rolls, ham;
Chose now, quickly, Brian
Bacon, beans or spam?

We’ve egg and cress and sausages,
Good old lettuce leaf;
Come on ,Brian, take some now -
There’s turkey, tuna, beef…

We’ve treacle tart and apple tart,
Biscuits, blackberries, cake -
Take which one you feel like,
Brian, come along now, take!

There’s jelly or trifle
Everything must go
Quickly, Brian, pass your plate -
Is it a yes or no?

We’ve sponge cake, fruit cake,
Eat it any way!
Peanut butter, best rump steak…
What is that you say?

By Judith Nicholls


On the Ning Nang Nong

On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang
And you just can't catch 'em when they do!
So its Ning Nang Nong
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning
Trees go ping
Nong Ning Nang
The mice go Clang
What a noisy place to belong
is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!

Spike Milligan


Please Mrs Butler

Please Mrs Butler
This boy Derek Drew
Keeps copying my work, Miss.
What shall I do?

Go and sit in the hall, dear.
Go and sit in the sink.
Take your books on the roof, my lamb.
Do whatever you think.

Please Mrs Butler
This boy Derek Drew
Keeps taking my rubber, Miss.
What shall I do?

Keep it in your hand, dear.
Hide it up your vest.
Swallow it if you like, love.
Do what you think best.

Please Mrs Butler
This boy Derek Drew
Keeps calling me rude names, Miss.
What shall I do?

Lock yourself in the cupboard, dear.
Run away to sea.
Do whatever you can, my flower.
But don't ask me!

Allan Ahlberg


Four o’clock, Friday, I’m home at last
Time to forget the week that has passed.

On Monday, at break, they stole my ball
And threw it over the playground wall.
On Tuesday morning, I came in late,
But they were waiting behind the gate.
On Wednesday afternoon, in games,
They threw mud at me and called me names.
Yesterday, they laughed after the test
‘Cause my marks were lower than the rest.
Today, they trampled my books on the floor,
And I was kept in because I swore.
Four o' clock, Friday, at last I’m free,
For two whole days they can't get at me.


Wha Me Mudder Do
By Grace Nichols

Mek me tell you wha me mudder do
wha me mudder do
wha me mudder do

Me mudder pound plaintain mek fufu
Me mudder catch crab mek calaloo stew

Mek me tell you wha me mudder do
wha me mudder do
wha me mudder do

Me mudder beat hammer
Me mudder turn screw
she paint chair red
then she paint it blue

Mek me tell you wha me mudder do
wha me mudder do
wha me mudder do

Me mudder chase bad-cow
with one ‘Shoo’
she paddle down river
in she own canoe
Ain’t have nothing
dat me mudder can’t do
Ain’t have nothing
dat me mudder can’t do

Mek me tell you

ص 5 و ص 106

وبس اختصرت لكم جذي مو لان يجون ولكن تدربون نفسكم

اعتقد انهم اهم شي بالكتاب ومثل مواصفات اللي ذكرها الدكتور

اول قصيدة لاحظو swish

هي onomatopoetic


I will put in the box

a fifth season and a black sun
a cowboy on a broomstick
and a witch on a white horse
ماكو شمس سودة؟
والفصول اربعة مو خمسة
الكاوبي على مكنسة ؟
والساحرة على حصان؟
صار العكس

القصيدة الاولى magic box

فيها نستخدم الحواس الخمس

نلاحظ اوا سطر ان حط في الصندوق صوت حفيف الساري

والصوت هل ينحط في صندوق؟

استخدام الاسمء اللي يطلق عليها اسم abstract noun
وهي كلمات تعبر عن شي
ما نلمسه
ما نشوفه
ما نسمعه
او نشمه

يعني كلمات شعورية محسوسة وليست مادية ملموسة

عشان جذي القصيدة تعكس

الشخصية والافكار والذكريات

طبعا القصيدة فيها موضوع متكرر ومعروف في قصائد الاطفال وهو magic

تاخذ استعاب وانتباه القارئ الطفل من خلال انه تشغل حواسه الخمسة
