توضيحين مهمين EA300A

بالنسبة للمقالة

اهتمي فيها من ناحية civil servant

بشيين :

الدكتور وشلون ارتفع جيم لهالمستوى

لما يطلبون شرح مقالة مراح تشرحينها من اولها لاخرها

انت راح تناقشين افكارها الاساسية وتضفين الامثلة من فهمج

فبس افهمي هالفكرة مثل المكتوب بستدي قايد

وهذي اهم نقاط المقالة باختصار :

♦ The civil servant was constructed as a heroic individual working for the safety and security of the state.

Most books for boys from the period give their heroes only physical expertise, and thus they cannot be said to imply directly a future in the administrative classes for their heroes and readers.

on the island, Livesey takes on the role of local health inspector. As the island's medical expert, he works to bring the island under control by mapping its healthy and unhealthy sites.

Silver works directly against Livesey's control of the island.

Because the pirates have no public health experts, there is an unsafe society.

Because the pirates society has no body of knowledge upon which they can draw, to enter into it is to remain an isolated and vulnerable individual.

Jim represents the upwardly mobile lower-middle-class nations of respectable culture, but respectable culture in this moment comes perilously close to a kind of petty blinkered individualism.

The settled world may be respectable but with too much respectability comes a lack of heroism.

The local community is a collection of meek and petty individuals who will not, as Livesey does, fight for the greater good.

Livesey has the expertise and respectability of the settled world in combination with the bravery and derring-do of the pirated.

The narrative is often aware that the doctor is potentially an unsatisfying compromise between the meek townspeople and the disorderly pirates.

Indeed, the narrative acknowledges one of the great dilemmas of children's literature – the stories full of bad characters are almostalways more existing than the stories about good characters.

One of the reasons that the pirate society exists in the first place that the British government does not provide pensions for ex-servicemen.

Clearly, the pirates' society does not take care of its members, but, as the Squire points out, neither does settled society.

The pirates are a product of settled society and its lack of public assistance.

In other words, there would be no pirates if ex-servicemen were probably rewarded by a public welfare system.

It stands to reason that if the pirate identity created by the state then it can be taken away by the state.

The pirates are defeated in battle, but more importantly, they are defeated by Livesey, the civil servant, who brings them under state control.

It is as if public assistance has the ability to destroy the pirate identity.

When Jim leaves his post to go explore the island, he exists outside the captain's log and outside the settled world.
He makes it back just in time to be reckoned in the account.

Later when he deserts his post to capture the Hispaniola he operates outside the logbook, and thus he comes perilously close to being lost to the good side.

Even before the mutiny begins, Jim gives an accurate accounting of manpower when he computes the numbers on the good side versus of those on the bad.

The ability to keep track of the other side becomes difficult as the war rages.
As the account grows imprecise, the good side's victory is threatened.

At the end of the novel, when Jim returns to his post after having deserted it to retake the Hispaniola, he is given the job of counting the treasure, and, in this way, he is absorbed back into the state apparatus.

Having proved that like the pirates he has the spirit to 'make England terrible at sea', he must then prove his administrative hierarchy to assume a position with more responsibility than his original position, cabin boy

The counting is much more like drudgery than fighting to retake control of a ship, but Jim expresses great pleasure at performing the task. He is back inside the settled world of account ledgers and defined ranks.

By the novel's end, Jim is enclosed inside a hierarchical work space, but it is a work space that remains connected to the romance of the global trade network. In the task of counting money, he achieves a kind of romantic drudgery.

♦ Undoubtedly, Treasure Island's great appeal is that it is a wish fulfillment; it allows a young boy to leave home, to run away from both his mother's authority and the drudgery of waiting tables in a tavern; it allows young Jim to break free of social constraint into the of romance.

♦ When he negotiates his way back into the settled world, he does so as a figure that combines the heroism found in the adventure world with the technical expertise found in the settled world.

♦ He achieves a respectable career but one that, in working for the good of society, is not involved in crass commercialism. 


بالنسبة لتحليل القصايد

ففي المقالة حاطينلكم الجزئيات اللي تناقشونها

فلازم تفهمونهم


بعدين تدورونهم بالقصيدة عادي

والقصايد بسيطة بس انتو محتاجين تتدربون

وانا حطيت اهني اهم القصايد بالمفاهيم

مو شرط يجون لكن اذا حليتهم تقدرون تحلون اي قصيدة


المهم الحين انا بحط نقاط مو حل كامل من قصيدة تيدي اتوقع 106

اهم الاشياء :
THEME وهو الموضوع او الهدف
TOOLS الادوات والتقنيات اللي تضمنتها

عندكم كم قصيدة موجودين في بلوك 3 اكتيفي 3 ص 122


المحيط؟ SETTING

طبعا لازم يكون فيه LESSONS

الادوات في المقالة

نرجع لتيدي


توضحون انها قصيدة طفل وتتميز بوجود خصائص شعر الطفل

توضحون SETTING
والقصة بشكل عام شنو ؟

The poem is setting in domestic sphere.
There are a mention to the family members such as the father and the mother and their regular behaviour


there is a child who is looking for his teddy bear

this poem is telling the domestic life of a child

وتتوسعون طبعا

وتشرحون الموضوع

من ناحية تحليل اللغوي

هالقصيدة فيها parallelism


but not today

طبعا فيها imagination

و personification

يعني تيدي شلون يكون داخل صندوق ادوات الخياطة؟
ويخيط دلاغاته الصوفية؟


كل قصيدة غير عن الثانية وتختلف من ناحية الموضوع
ومن ناحية الادوات

لان مستحيل كل الادوات موجودة في قصيدة وحدة
