Reader1 \\ BLOCK5 \\ Words and Picture

· Children's literature is not appreciable and unintelligible without attention to its illustration.
·   Images in children's books vary in both style and function:
-         Decorative in "illustrated books"
-         Visual narrative in "picturebook" = words and images have equally important roles.
·  The nineteenth century is the Golden Age of children's illustration field.
-         The period's technological advances bringing the advent of lithography which led to full-colour reproduction.
-         It supplied a larger potential readership in the shape of a population much more widely schooled.
-         With these two concurrent developments began the emergence of genuine marketing possibilities for illustrated children's books.
·       Picture books are loved by both children and adults, but attitudes towards pictures in books per se for children are not universally positive.
-         While many parents and educators see the images as a way of increasing the attractiveness of books to children, and thereby developing both literacy and a love story, some feel that images distract from the verbal text and may impede the development of fluent and confident reading in children.

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